quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2018

How much do I improved in five years?

I was reading some of my posts from 2014, and I realized how much I improved along those years. The amazing thing is that I didn't even try it too hard. I've just written some short posts along the time, to be exact, just sixteen posts, but my sporadical reading and Duolingo exercises seem to really make the difference.

I am not sure how much, but I can see it that I have improved. My consciousness of "good English" got a better level. So, I guess if I had studied in a more disciplined and systematic method, I would be more proficient in English.

It seems real, Language is just practice!

quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018

Do you know what is Old Harry in English or what it means in Portuguese?


Today, reading about the Speech Acts of J. L. Austin, I found a new expression in English (BrE):
They are, however, quite enough to play Old Harry with two fetishes ... [bolded]
"Old Harry" is an old-fashioned expression in (British) English that means "the devil", Satan. So, in Portuguese, it means "o diabo", "capeta" (Br-pt).